Sunday, March 8, 2009

Food is always better on a "real" plate said my son.

I've decided to start the 365 day photo challenge. I read about this challenge on SCS (a site for stampers that I spend way too much time at) and it's essentially a challenge to document life every day by taking a photo and blogging about it. My first picture was inspired by my son's musings that food always tastes better when it's eaten on a real plate. For an 11 year old boy, I thought this was an interesting point of view. My husband and I were talking about it and he thought that perhaps our son's view was in response to the somewhat chaotic life we have been living for the last couple of months. We've had way too many meals on paper plates of late. I personally thought that his statement was more a response to the fact that he's seen way too much HGTV with his parents. Not really sure which is the best interpretation, but it certainly was an interesting comment considering the source.

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny, my DH always says the same thing. Love the name of your blog too (and the band)!
